Over the past month I've been doing research into the topic of psychedelic culture, after noticing that the mainstream press seems to have done a complete 180 on the substances. I've never taken psychedelics but do acknowledge the psychedelic experience can be completely overwhelming-and useful to tyrants. If you start digging into the history of psychedelics in Western culture, the connections to the elites and fascists in their introduction to society is absolutely shocking. I am convinced that there are psychedelic agendas being pushed into our society to crush the resistance and destroy democracy. In this day and age democracy and basic human rights of freedom of expression, must be fought for. And psychedelics are being used as weapons to dismantle democracy. Ironically psychedelics are being pushed as ways to combat the war machine and bring freedom, but within the actual psychedelic culture, it's actually the exact opposite. Indeed psychedelics seem to be used to introduce things like groupthink and socialism in our culture, and thus we should be very, very concerned about the "psychedelic renaissance" and the surge of positive reporting on psychedelics in the media. With all the evidence psychedelics and even the counterculture were introduced into society by fascists, what's not to say fascists aren't creating all new pro-psychedelic agendas to control society?
I'm not saying that psychedelic substances themselves are tools for tyranny, but they, and the culture, certainly are being used as such. With an air of a glorious "psychedelic renaissance" that will supposedly bring peace and treat mental illness and addiction, the actual therapeutic uses the substances may have in controlled and careful use notwithstanding, is it not out of the real of possibility that such boisterous developments are a smoke and mirrors for what's REALLY being pushed-psychedelics as elitist fascistic weapons used to destroy democracy and bring about fascism? With operations such as MK ultra, it's clear there is a segment in our population most hungry for complete power and control of thought, and quite often they get high positions, and who's to say the intelligence agencies haven't been continuing their research into mind control and using psychedelics for the same reasons they've brought them into our culture-for power and control? I suspect they very well have been continuing their mind control research and are using psychedelics as a part of their agenda. I'm not saying psychedelics can't be an amazing (but also very dangerous) experience, but be careful of buying into the various pro-psychedelic narratives going around that I strongly suspect are psy-ops used to control society.
The following video does a great job explaining my concerns better than myself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKhG90AtVGY